Day 6- You can see her little chest working overtime here. It was quite alarming to see it sinking so far down each time she inhaled, but Johanna assured us that would improve quickly. Annie was taken out of the billi lights today and is almost ready for an open air crib!

Day 7 - Today Annie had her first little nuzzle...and she latched straight on and fed for 10 minutes! She is continuing to amaze the staff at how quickly she is recovering!
Day 8 - Annie met my mum this morning. It was so beautiful to watch her explore another new face. Mum loved cuddles with her eighth grandchild!

Day 9 - More cuddles with Daddy...who is totally smitten by the way! Annie is trying hard to smile already! I know that sounds ridiculous, but she looks at you so intently and her eyes light up as her mouth moves. She also does the windy baby smiles and they look different to the other smiles..

Day 10 - Meet the A Team!! There was a reason we went with an A name for all us girls have an A name and we can be the A Team...The boys can be the B Team...B being for Boys! Corny I know, but such a crack up!
Today Annie also met Greg's mum. Barbara was very excited to see Annies black curly hair...apparently when she was born she had so much hair the nurses wound it into ringlets! Annie doesn't have quite that much but there is a bit there!
very cute ;)